

May 30, 2013


I heard it first on the nightly network news.  And when most Americans only GET 10-15 minutes of impactful updates in any given program, one should be safe in assuming what we hear is important, right?

Then this morning I read about it in the Strib A section –that part of the paper that reports REAL NEWS.  And there I spied it- on page two – positioned next to two pretty impactful topics:

1)      Should we decontaminate all patients in attempt to reduce hospital infections as a precautionary measure despite the risk of increasing germ resistance to antibiotics

2)       A report that genetically modified wheat has been found growing in an Oregon farm…posing another colossal risk to US wheat industry as many countries around the world will not accept imports of genetically modified foods.

What was this third “important “piece of information that caught my eye?  Apparently, Adam Levine from the VOICE, thinking the mike was off, expressed his frustration at two of his team members being eliminated by popular public vote mumbled “I hate this country”.

Careless?  Yes; Embarrassing: Yes; Caught in the emotion of the minute? Yes; Newsworthy? NO!

Surely we have more real threats to be concerned about than this! 


Fortunately, that BIG yet insignificant “scoop” was balanced by some great success stories….the success of the advocacy program for American Indians at HCMC; a new emphasis at Boys and Girls Club with teaching social and emotional skills, not just academics to help kids learn resilience, creativity and             “stick-to-itiveness”; Mark Andres push for city use of renewable energy through solar panels on city, park and school buildings; the ranking of Minnesota as the # 1 healthiest place in US for seniors; Swiss Banks  have agreed to allow disclosure of US clients with hidden accounts to evade taxes,  and Rybak’s latest push to upgrade 55 miles of Minneapolis roadways including a new bridge over Bassett Creek to link the North Side to downtown.

A little “food for thought” for those blocking Obama’s national push for infrastructure improvements-  they may want to ponder RT’s reasoning:  It’s like your teeth.  If you don’t fill the cavities, you’re going to have an expensive and painful root canal.”   

On a personal note at least, it helps a little to see that snow-bird destinations do not measure up to Minnesota health-wise;  Arizona is ranked 22nd; Florida- 30th; and Mississippi 50th.  Unfortunately as I have ranted about in past thoughts, these “entitled” seniors  put up with unhealthy locations to avoid paying for taxes that create the healthier atmosphere here….and then when they are sick and ailing, they return to Minnesota  to reap the benefits .



The article detailing the combining of the Courage Center with Sister Kenny as part of Allina Health contained an impactful statement:

People who are permanently or temporarily disabled whether by birth, accident or illness, have to navigate some of the most fragmented and difficult-to-access services in the health care realm…not surprisingly this group spends a hefty chunk on healthcare services.”

Yes, that hit home.

 I depleted my lifetime savings and retirement fund during my recovery battle after my fall in 2002, as I struggled for more than four years to overcome the physical damage.  And what I saved in the ensuing five years from 2007-2011 was negligible as it took until 2010 to repay family and friends that offered financial help as I struggled during the initial battle.

So the emergency fund was quickly depleted one more time over these last two years as I fight the “residual” effects of that fall – ten years later.  I think I am winning the physical battle one more time, but what “emergency” money I had, is gone.   I struggle daily with feeling financially irresponsible to find myself in this position – so, on occasion, it helps to read that perhaps I have been impacted by extenuating circumstances –outside my control!

And today was one of those days.  Putting my own issues aside, it is encouraging to learn that the positive changes reported today in the Courage Center/Sister Kenny/Allina Health system were sparked by the Affordable Care Act. Yes, hospitals will be financially judged on how well they keep people healthy and out of the hospital – not just for providing treatment.

And according to Jan Malcome, Courage Center’s CEO and now Allina’s VP of Public Affairs who is overseeing this merger, the long term goal of this new relationship was to “make that whole rich set of resources flow in a seamless way for clients and families…without artificial financial incentive pressures or ownership barriers in the way.”

Sound familiar?  You may have heard me communicate similar thoughts in comparing the Mayo Clinic system to the problem-ridden healthcare system I have experienced in Minneapolis. – So thanks go out to those that initiated this!


Could there be a possible use for the big mistake of Block E?  I’d be all for a practice floor for Lynx and Wolves.  Having done a few big events on the Target Center playing floor, Block E refigured as a basketball court might help correct the original problem….When Block E was originally built, it took AWAY a great site downtown  to hold events.  An indoor practice field might just return that amenity to downtown.  No, not someone’s idea of a permanent pretty event space, but a blank piece of real estate where one can create from the ground up the custom space you need to house your event –when it is not needed for practice space.  Of course, SOME elements would be helpful…..infrastructure like power and internet access , sound, water, loading dock, catering prep, restrooms, maybe outdoor access during nice weather  and a whole lot of room for imagination…I can see it now!  J

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